

Cross Border Trade Solutions

We are associated with a factoring company, founded in 2000 with more than 20 offices in 13 countries with headquarters in Germany. The team comprises of experts around the world that truly understand global trade and cash flow management to sustain and grow business. As an exporter you’re used to getting paid by your customers later than desired. And because its takes buyers an average of 56.7 days to pay their invoices, you think this is just the way of doing business, no matter the drawbacks for your company.

But does this payment cycle leave you with enough cash to expand?

Are you able to meet increasing orders and still cover operating expenses?

Is winning big buyers feasible?

Do you have enough collaterals to be given to banks?

Even if you are not experiencing cash crunch at the moment, more than 80% global trade is now conducted on open account terms, which means the more customers you partner with, the more every dollar of working capital counts.

Do you have the right solution in mind? If no, then this service is just for you. What can be offered:

Who are our clients?